At Boulder Birth & Bodywork, we offer a variety of services.
Prenatal & Postpartum Massage
A massage tailored to prenatal clients that uses subtle touch and rhythmic movement for highly-effective release. Generally administered in a side-lying position. Relieves both the physical and emotional stressors related to pregnancy.
Natural Labor Stimulation
A holistic approach to facilitate a gentle and effective labor using soothing touch, acupressure stimulation, aromatherapy (both inhalation & topical application), guided relaxation. Appropriate for clients 40+/wks or 38+/wks if scheduled for medical induction.
Integrative Massage
A massage with the whole in mind. Various modalities, such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, Ashiatsu (available only in Longmont), Trigger Point, Healing Touch and Myofascial Release, tailored to meet your your individual, holistic needs.
Partner Support Classes
An individualized class for partners of pregnant people to learn comfort support measures, couples massage, stages and phases of labor, etc.