It's deep, dark, and scary in the swamp.
Before 35+ weeks, you're on the scenic drive on a sunny day... there's a general sense of excitement - even if you're dealing with discomfort.
At the end, though, there's a big energy shift. Things change and what was an exhilarating drive with the top down starts to pour and the road you're on turns to gravel... surrounded by the swamp.
You might feel bogged down with thoughts, ideas, fears of all the can go wrong. You might be externalizing your fears - making it about your birth plan or how you'll handle two kids instead of just one. You might keep pushing ahead at full steam, ignoring the coming hazards.
I know how it goes. You say to yourself, "I shouldn't be thinking about this". Pushing it down deep, wondering why these silly birth affirmations aren't pulling you out of this funk. Or, just pretending the mud from the swamp isn't beginning to make your tires slip. You HAVE to stay positive! Quit worrying about this already!
But, you're wrong. You see, you have to make friends with these dark, scary paths down the road of becoming a mother. If you don't learn how to sit with fear, you'll be left in a lurch without any practice on how to get out.
Despite thinking birth is a beautiful, natural event; despite believing your body can do this; despite getting everything you requested on your birth plan; despite having a healthy, beautiful baby: birth is scary. I honor you enough to be completely honest about that.
It's scary. And, that's ok. It's a true Rite of Passage after all.
Breathe. Make friends with the swamp. Acknowledge the special beauty. And, cry - don't be afraid to sit with the swamp. Then, breathe again with compassion for yourself and for the swamp.